Scope covered
Primary Care
physicals, well exams, routine checkups, physical panels, mammograms, chronic disease, infection, dermatology, digestive issues, basic thyroid, depression, anxiety, minor injuries, wound care, paperwork
Integrative & Functional Medicine
Clinician consultation, etc.
Main difference
Clinical Evaluation
Primary Care
primary care focus. conducted by a licensed MD/DO, FNP, or PA. vitals. review of body systems. clinicians use diagnostic tests to inform their clinical judgment, confirm their treatment plan.
Integrative & Functional Medicine
integrative, holistic framework.
Main Difference
Diagnostic Tests
Primary Care
lab tests using Quest and LabCorp. radiology and other imaging tools.
Integrative & Functional Medicine
various integrative tests, vitamin labs, stool tests, saliva tests, microbiome analysis, hormone panels, nutrient profile.
Main Difference
Primary Care
Integrative & Functional Medicine
Vivamus ex
Primary Care
prescription & OTC. referral to specialists
Integrative & Functional Medicine
prescription, OTC, nutraceuticals, supplements, medical foods, homeopathy, and other holistic treatment methods.
Care Coordination,
resource consumption
Primary Care
primary care focus. light staff support.
Integrative & Functional Medicine
significantly more clinician and staff support needed, for every step of the care process, both during and outside the medical visits.